Our mission is to provide parents with resources so their children can gain self-confidence, be their own best advocates, and harness their inner hero. We bring together advocacy, hearing loss, and assistive technology in a way that is fun! Click to see what Dr Jen has for you.
Spending hours prepping your lessons? Juggling an overwhelming caseload? In need of updating your old Oticon FM equipment to Phonak Roger equipment? Dealing with old HAT devices that keep breaking and due to tight budget constraints you are unable to purchase newer technology? Not enough time in your day to fully the meet the needs of your students? Not yet fitting HAT devices, but want to?
Hearing Milestones has seen the need to contribute to our community of children with hearing loss. First and foremost, we are here to empower this generation of children. Our platform provides the tools for empowerment because we know that hearing loss may be a part of them, but it does not define who they are or who they will become. We believe it is important for children to know that everyone has their own unique struggle, and even though we may not have control over what our struggles are, we do have control over how we rise above it. We are also here to support this community’s access to health, education, and hearing in whatever way we can.
Click below to read about the why behind Hearing Milestones.
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